The Garage

Uno Oxy Dir # 1

Bowlers Info

The Garage

Some people will know what I'm talking about ,while others will not have a clue. We were born at a time when we were told in a lovely song that we could find it somehwere over the rainbow, " Oh why,why oh why can't ----- I. Judy Garland rest her soul. Daily and weekly air raid drills at school, we all marched single file to the basement or to the auditorium and were told to get down on our knees and put our heads under the chairs,or our desk for some of us,"put your books on top of your head children, this is only a practice drill " just in case an atom bomb were to be dropped on our school ,we would be safe from attack. Looks like that rainbow song had some flaws in it,the end of the rainbow was a launch pad. This is what you will find in my garage,old memories of daze gone by. Now it seems that I got a handle on some of this stuff they call life. I am not as jaded as it might seem,sometimes I see things very clear and at other times,well we will let you use your imagination for that one. After the events of the past year I think life is much like the video game asteroids,they are comming at you from every angle and you ,well just play the game here and see for yourself. jdh


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